T-Minus ...
With the mild forecasts as of late, Can't help but think of sailing. Hope everyone can join us at Yacht-A-Palooza this Saturday 9-2pm at Crowley's. One topic that may be worthwhile sitting in on is: 2009-2013 Racing Rule Changes 12:00-2:00PM Learn about changes to the racing rules for 2009-2012. by Dr. Warwick Coppleson & Glenn McCarthy To see the details including the schedule for YP visit: http://tiny.cc/KYS_YP While we are on the subject of spring prep, how are we all doing on the " winter 15 "? Below I've attached a workout routine to think about... I've modified mine as follows: 1. Toddler lunge - While bending knees, lift screaming toddler up. Feet , shoulder width. Lift toddler from waist height to shoulder height. Repeat until crying stops. Repeat as necessary. [relevant Sailing activity: prepares for tactician's diatribes about how you never do anything right]. 2. Childcare Stairmaster - (note: need a home with multiple stairs). Run up/down s...