108th Race to Mackinac-3rd Place and Goat Status for a Member of the Karma Team

108th Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac Recap July 28, 2016 What do straw hats, breakfast veggie smoothies a stuffed goat named 'Tina' and horse manure have to do with a boat race? A lot... this year ,as Team Karma embarked on their sixteenth journey from Chicago to Mackinac Island. Much has changed with Karma in her sixteen years of being a racing program, boat changes, ownership changes- but one thing has remained consistent- the core of 'friends' that get together each year to do the annual trek up the rhumbline in Lake Michigan. 2016 was particularly significant because it was the first year that two of the Karma Owners- Jack Buoscio and Lou Sandoval were no longer representing Beneteau on Lake Michigan. A fleet that Jack and Lou had put a ton of sweat equity into having grown it from 0 boats to the over 38 boats we sold over the life span of the design (2001-2011) with another 11 boats sold on the resale market. The ownership of the boa...