Lessons in Life from Sailing- There are many ways forward.

Karma Sailing Group: From the left- Martin Sandoval, Lou Sandoval Karma Sailing Group Finishes 2016 Season-Signals indicate a change for the future November 10, 2016 The Karma Sailing Group crossed the 108th Race to Mackinac in 41:35:26 finishing third place in the 36.7 section and 12th overall in the Mackinac Trophy division. As the gun went off to cross the finish line, only a few members knew that is the last time they might sail the historic race as a team as a plan to break the team up had already begun. Fast forward to the recent Race to Mackinac Awards ceremony at Chicago Yacht Club - Remaining owners Martin Sandoval and Lou Sandoval attended the Awards ceremony as the two remaining owners of the prodigious race program that garnered an unprecedented 12 podium finishes since campaigning the 36.7 program in the Race to Mackinac and a record setting eight 1st place finishes in 14 years. The conspicuous absence of the team that had stood shou...