ALL in the Family… 9th Mackinac Win with a Twist

Background: There are many clichés for sibling rivalry and family sailing programs that come to mind when you learn about two brothers racing on different boats. The funniest one that comes to mind is “the family that sails together, stays together”. Rather than go too far that road, we’d like to focus on one unique pair of brothers that tried something a bit different this year. Brothers Martin Sandoval (owner of a CPA firm) and Lou Sandoval (Marine industry executive) have sailed the last 18 consecutive Races to Mackinac on one of their owned or chartered boats. Due to heavy business demands, 2018 was the first year that they elected to sail on different boats. 2018 was Lou's 19th Mac- He raced on SV EAGLE, a Sydney 38 which raced in Section Five -ended up winning their section and placing 20th overall (1st boat under 40' to finish this year's grueling race) in the Mackinac Cup Division. Younger brother Marti...